

  • I love zumba! I am also starting a walk to run program. I used to run with my family when I was younger and enjoyed it. My husband is a runner so I would like to have the stamina to run with him someday. I was very involved with sports (softball, volleyball, basketball, swim team, tennis) from childhood up until about 5…
  • I think this is a great idea! My biggest challenge is fitting in workouts. With going to school full time along with its homework load, having two teenagers with their activities as well as church activities... it is very easy to just keep working or being taxi driver and not making myself take the time to put in a 30…
  • Hi. My name is Rachel. My husband and I just started using MFP yesterday after a friend said that he had lost 40 pounds using this app. It is my goal this year to lose weight and become healthier so that I can be the best me possible and live life to the fullest with my family! Here's to healthier futures for us all! :)
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