MrFrodo Member


  • Hello: We have the same weight loss goal - 21 pounds. Feel free to add me, I also need encouragement. Over last 3 yrs I have lost 50 pounds; and maintained that for 2 yrs, but in last 6 months I have gained 20 back. Lowering body fat is my goal as well, as I totallly stopped working out 3 months ago and its time to start…
  • I am in the same place you are and I am freaked out I will gain back weight. I hit my goal weight last September (after losing 50 lbs) and was maintaining, exercising and eating properly. I survived the holidays still on track, and then I lost my workout partner, things became extremely crazy at work (and still are) and to…
  • Kung Pao Chicken from the local chinese restaurant. After I learned what the fat, sodium and caloric content was I knew (for me) there could be no moderation with this one - had to quit cold turkey! Was a total grouch for 6 months afterwards :) Now, 8 months later I don't miss/crave it at all anymore. Anything else I…
  • Amazing! Congrats to you on your success, as noted earlier you are inspiring all of us out here - enjoy your journey and the success along the way (and keep us posted)!:smile:
  • Hi: I am new to MFP and just started navigating around the community boards. Looks like a lot of support is out there for us! I can relate to the 'slacker days' you mentioned! It is strange that we can do so well and then out of the blue we have a bad day. Sometimes having someone say "you can do it - DON'T give up" makes…
  • Hi Strangerthanf: Welcome and best of luck with the goal you have set to reach by end of summer. I am new here as well, and I can say that this website has taught me a lot about what was missing from my diet before (protein, calcium, etc) due to eating foods that had low nutritional value. I feel so much better now as MFP…
    in intro Comment by MrFrodo May 2012