

  • I'm nearly 45, am 5'10 and am 229 lb . I was my heaviest at 234 lb so you'll see I'm just starting out. Before I had my children, who are now 18 and 20, I was underweight at 125 lb. I'd ideally like to get to 175 lb. It's a bit disconcerting that that is heavier than some of your starting weights! Oh well, I'm learning to…
  • Hi I'm Claire, I'm 45 and was diagnosed with RA when I was 13. I have ups and downs, but weight has crept on me and I need to lose about 4 stone. I'm due to have an op on my foot later this year so know that it's crucial to lighten up a bit! My biggest frustration is when I know that exercise would make all the difference…