

  • My husband is AD Air Force and I am veteran Air Force.
  • We are coming to the end of our 2nd deployment and boy was this a tough one. The kids are older and understand more of what's going on, it seemed liked the last one went faster because I was AD then, my health of course didn't help things, and just the length. But he's coming home really soon and that's all that matters! I…
  • Mountain Home AFB, Idaho **Hoping to find out at the end of the week if we have gotten approved for our BOP** Pray or cross your fingers please ladies! Because of my health we have lost 3 sets of orders, we've since given up on overseas and applied for a stateside BOP! After 7 years in Idaho we are ready to move on. :)
  • My name is Diana, I'm 28 yrs old, happily married to a wonderful man and have two loving, full of energy boys ages 5 and 3 1/2. We are an Air Force family and are currently stationed at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho. My story is a long one as to how I got here.... I have a chronic condition that is rare and hard to treat,…
  • Hi ladies! I was so happy to find a homeschool/SAHMom Support group because I am both. It seems like it isn't very active but maybe together we can change that! :) My name is Diana and I am 28 yrs old. I am happily married to a wonderful man and have two loving, full of energy boys ages 5 and 3 1/2. My story is a long one…
  • Hi Aaron I'm at the beginning as well but am VERY motivated that this be the last time I ever start a diet! And that this will not be a diet but a serious lifestyle change for the better. I have my weight turned off on my profile but I started this journey at 204 and when I did my last weigh in I was 199.8. Not a lot but I…