Lol, so do I. But, I workout at home and only offend myself.
For me, when I looked in the mirror and noticed I had gained some of the weight back. And, when I noticed how my clothes weren't fitting me correctly anymore. So, I'm back and this time I plan to maintain whatever I lose.
We might actually be in the same age group. I graduated high school in '88. Hope you're having a great time vacationing.
I'm Nicole. I'm 45 yrs. and love playing the drums. And, where the average family sets up living room furniture, my drums occupy the space. LOL! B.Y.O.C. (if you plan to visit me, you may want to bring your own chair :lol: )
Thanks for sharing...and welcome back AGAIN! Australia sounds like a nice change. I wish you the best!
I was just thinking I will probably spend more time being naked. LOL!
Lol, too funny!
LOl, I thought that was hilarious too!
Starbucks is the BEST! I've been a vegetarian for almost a year as well (actually, I don't eat meat but I love real cheese and eggs. I tried the imitation cheese-as a pizza-just didn't work for me. Lol. I've been natural for a couple months now, and I love my hair texture! Anyway, happy hair growing! I hope you take pix.
I'm 42 yr and I don't have any children. However, I have volunteered with a Gospel Performing Arts group for the last 15 yrs. So, I actually have about 200 kids, Lol! Aside from volunteering, I'm a courier for FedEX Express (by the way, if you see any FedEX truck coming down the street in this HOT weather with an open…
you're not the only "weirdo"...another one right here ;0)
That's awesome..congratulations!
I never weighed 115lbs. I definitely skipped those numbers in high school. However, we are definitely on the same page now:lifestyle change. :o)
Lol, I seem to be moving toward the vegetarian side. But, I love it that I crave salads with hummus more than meat now.
If you would have told me in 2000 that I would be more conscious of what I eat in 2011 AND give up all meats except fish, I probably would have laughed uncontrollably at you as I ate my McDonald's double cheese burgers (which were my favorite lunch sandwiches). But, my mind set is changed now and once that happens, the…
Christian fiction: "The Shack" by William P. Young...awesome read!
Well, my last book read was Christian fiction. And, it was absolutely awesome! The book, "The Shack" by William P. Young just took you on a journey. Every emotion you would muster up in your real life comes up as you read this book. It was the best Christian fiction book I've ever read, and I have been raving about it for…
Fame, Facts of Life, Alice, Bionic Woman, Star Search, Love Boat followed by Fantasy Island, and Golden Girls. But, the all time favorite was: The Incredible Hulk (Mr. Magee, don't make me angry. LOL) The good ole days.
No music? Oh my goodness! No wonder you have a high tolerance for drinking. Lol! Seriously though, I don't know what I would have become growing up with no music. I can't even grasp NONe...what?! Will definitely have to ponder that one for a minute. Thanks for sharing ;o) No music? Dang!
Oh snap, your life is like a action packed movie! I hope you realize surviving all of that means you're definitely still here for a reason. Thanks for sharing. Awesome life story :o)
LOL, you owe us FIVE more. he he Thanks for sharing (and, no chocolate for you until you give us five more) ;o)
I think your family history is awesome! That's a wonderful legacy to have...good for you. Thanks for sharing. PS-we have #17 in common. I don't even know his name.
LOL, so far I've seen two Nicholas Spark's movie...the people die. Like DIE! And, I was just thinking why does someone always have to die? And, so far, it's always the people that really know what it means to love. Mr. Sparks is out of control, yet I keep watching his movies AND reading his books. Go figure. Thanks for…
Hawaii is my favorite place to visit so far as well. I've also traveled to Ghana, West Africa, Belgium and Holland. Holland is my 2nd favorite. And, blue has always been my favorite color since forever! Thanks for sharing.
Yours was a good read too! Thanks for sharing
You outta control...i Love it! Thanks for sharing