RTL1234 Member


  • Welcome to everyone!! :) For those that have asked about the Metformin. I take 2000mg/day. 2- 500mg pills in the morning, repeat at night. It really hasn't helped me lose weight. I may the first week because I can't eat much because of the awful side effects but I'm long past that now. Unfortunately for me, Metformin did…
  • Its been so quiet!! Sorry that is my fault! Welcome to all the new ladies! Hopefully everyone else can check in soon! Things are going okay for me. I'm eating better, but I feel like 1350 calories isn't enough. Even eating really really good, MFP says 1600, but I did the mayo clinic one. I'm not sure what to do? Maybe…
  • Hey Christine, never too late to join! :) Sharin - I can't stay off the scale either! lol Even when its mean to me. I have limited myself to once a week. Before, I was getting on once a day and it was just bad for the motivation and mood. Winnie - You will get back on track! It takes recognizing it and rebounding and you…
  • Oh and BTW, I decided to get on the scale early before tomorrow just to see if some of the water weight or AF time weight came off. It did but it still said I gained 2.5lbs. Maybe the bad eating that week really did screw me. I'll do the official in the morning.
  • Awww what a sweet family! I went over on calories yesterday. Ugh, I really should have been more careful. I got up at 6:30 this morning and snuck downstairs to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes before getting ready for work. I know this is stupid, but I hate how MFP says "3.0 mod pace, walking dog" Who's freaking dog…
  • Sharin - That thing drives me insane too!! Its annoying! LOL! If everyday was like "today" I'd be 100lbs by now LOL! I've been so lax about taking my Metformin, that I started back on it on Friday...umm TMI I know but O-M-G Met gut!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Louise - Good for you for going for low GI. I'm trying to watch my carbs but I'm not going too deep. I probably should. MFP puts my carb goal at 169, but I've been trying to keep it at 125 or less. That may not even be good enough, I'm not really sure!! I know I love carbs though! I have tracked the last 3 days in a row,…
  • Sharin - WTG on your WL during vacation!! You did really great! :) How did the Luau go? AFM: Not too much new. Doing decent on my eating, keep forgetting to log but I did yesterday and have so far today. Need to get more active! I didn't really do anything of value yesterday exercise wise. Maybe walked 15 minutes total, so…
  • On a side note, I did fix my language back to English. My son was messing on my MFP yesterday but I have no idea how an almost 3 year old could do it! lol
  • Welcome Nicole, Shax, and kgibbz!!! Jen - That sounds like fun!! I'm such a type A person, planning out is necessary for anything! LOL Especially when it comes to my eating, I have to be prepared. kgibbz - I struggle in the carb control too! My family (albeit we are not Italian) love all things pasta. Now that I have my…
  • Louise - Welcome!!! :) I'm trying to avoid fizzy drinks too, only because the only ones I drink is pop/soda. LOL! Sharin - Have fun on your trip!! Let us know how it all goes! And WTG on your WL this week! Mandy - Welcome!!! I don't think we officially decided but I'm down for whatever works! I weigh in on Thursdays, but I…
  • Sharin - I think your plan sounds great so far!! Definitely think the sunflower seeds are a good idea, they may be high in sodium but it will give you a small snack so you aren't having to dip into the bad ones! Camping sounds fun!! We love to camp, we use my parents camper because I like a/c LOL!! My little guy loves…
  • Winnie - (love the name btw!) Hopefully tomorrow will go well for you, you will do great saying no! I'm such a pushover at times, it takes me saying it over and over to be firm. Lol! I miss pop, soda I guess to some people. So bad for you but man a can of coke can make my day lol. Work tomorrow for me will be interesting.…
  • Way too go resisting the comfort foods!!! I didn't diary much yesterday and none today, I have the app on my phone but I keep forgetting to get on and put the food in. I am also not avoiding carbs completely. Just trying to avoid the bad ones. Swinne- have you tried the brand Ole low carb tortillas? They are really soft…
  • Congrats Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your weight loss so far is AWESOME!!! You should be so proud!! :)
  • So glad to have others to join too! I can use someone to yell at me when pizza is all I can think about! ;) We did have issues conceiveing. I also only have one working tube, my right is blocked from scar tissue. We tried for 36 months, I was a clomid/iui flunkie, femara/iui flunkie, then finally we moved to Gonal F…
  • I guess I'll start. Dx with PCOS 11 years ago. I currently take Metformin and birth control pills to help with symptoms. I have lost a total of 15lbs so far so I still have 35lbs to go. (Could even use a little more after that really). SW 224, CW 209. I have twin boys, one who is almost 3 and our other son we lost when he…