branou05 Member


  • Yeah, she totally did. Thanks, Noor! I did the re-assessment of my TDEE with just 3-5 hours of exercise per week and my numbers are definitely lower. TDEE is at 2076. I'm planning on signficantly cutting back on my time at the gym. I only did 40 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of weights yesterday and FORCED myselft to…
  • Thanks for the welcome and replying to my post Noor13 and MariaMaria! I am/was not eating my exercise calories back at all. So, I would finish the day eating around 1100 or so calories total plus I would exercise 2 hours on top of it. So, I was maybe netting 200-300 calories a day. I've been very irritable and every now…
  • I've finally decided to take the plunge and try this. I'm extremely nervous about the potential weight gain though, but after reading posts and listening to my body lately, I don't think I have a choice. I lost over 40 pounds in about 2 years by simply restricting my diet to 1200 calories. I'm 5'2" and 28 years old. I then…