porcelinah Member


  • chia seed "oatmeal" is my favourite right now... mash a banana in a bowl, add two tablespoons of chia seeds and 1/2 cup of almond milk (and a pinch of cinnamon and some raisins if you like) and leave it overnight! In the morning you have a protein packed raw vegan "oatmeal"! good luck!
  • I'm ready! I just need to lose 11 lbs and I can't seem to get there, so this will be great. I'm going to make Tuesdays my weigh in days. Here are my goals: 2-11: 141 (SW) 2-18: 139 2-25: 137 3-4: 135 3-11: 133 3-18: 131 (GW) See you every Tuesday!
  • count me in!
  • yay! thanks for this post! <3
  • Clean Food by Terri Walters is really good and very healthy! But if you're going for the "wow" factor, I would go with the Rebar cookbook from a veggie restaurant in Victoria BC. It is entirely vegetarian and almost all the recipes can be modified to suit vegans if they are not vegan already. It is to die for.