

  • i add coconut oil to everything. its a medium chain fatty acid and helps bring flavor to whatever i'm eating... i put it in my coffee too
  • its all about the hip to waist ratio. there's an optimal ratio that men are drawn to ... a ratio that instinctively tells man.. "hey, this body is optimal for impregnating and nourishing future offspring" i dont make this up... just passing along what i learned in school
  • i see what your saying... i am in a calorie surplus as i'm trying to bulk.. i was trying to say that for ME, personally if i eat more than a gram of protein per bpody weight.. i see more fat on my body. than actual muscle gain. my body seems to handle carbs better. my other point is that there isnt an exact formula that…
  • for me it protein isnt as essential as carb intake... if i go over 1g protein per body weight i get fat. but surprisingly when i maintain adequate carbohydrate level, i see gains in the mirror and on the scale... it really depends on you though. one man's formula isnt necessarily going to work for another one... so you…
  • starting doing dead lifts three months ago. noticed all kinds of changes. my squat increased dramatically. i have more overall strength... and i gained about 5 lbs of muscle. i was always afraid of doing deads, for fear of injury... but i started with really light weight and focused on form. i'm now able to dead lift about…
  • stimulants give me energy and give me a power boost in the gym... however, in the long run it appears to affect my stress levels and mood.. which i am not a fan of. i cut out all preworkouts... occasionally, i'll have black coffee with protein when i need to get my self going