

  • Never said "jumpstart" I said it gets the metabolism going... I know it won't stop... but it CAN slow down if you put your body in a "hibernation mode" or a "starvation mode". It will want to hold onto every last ounce of fat in the body it can.
  • Ok... but if you cut out eating breakfast or any meal... you will be more likely to eat something craptacular for you because most people will be starving!!! I am a borderline hypoglycemic... and if I don't eat many times in the day I feel physically sick... Everyone is different... if skipping meals works for you, then be…
  • Congrats on the weight loss! That's incredible! I know EXACTLY how you feel... over the past 10 years I've lost about 100 pounds myself and it really is a daily struggle to keep it off and to really appreciate all the work I've already put in. I still have a fear of looking in the mirror... Talking to your doctor is a good…
  • Elyse, if you can... try to cut back on calories during the day so you can have a snack at night. I'm the same way... starving at night, but I don't "skip" meals. You should be eating every 2.5-3 hours, just choose lower calorie and filling "clean" foods to help you stay satisfied. My favourite post-workout/night snack is…
  • Skipping breakfast messes up your metabolism. You should be eating every 2.5-3 hours... doesn't have to be huge meals... portion it out to stay within your calories for the day. :)