

  • I am from The Land of Enchantment! Or as us locals call it, The Land of Entrapment. It's also known as New Mexico. We may not have the best snow on Earth, but we make up for it with our food. But we do have Taos Ski Valley. And a word of advice, be nice to everyone you meet in NM, even the barista. Because you never know…
  • I'm really excited! I hope that my knee gets better so I can ski again. I tried running for the first time since my injury and it felt good! My knee is a little sore/swollen, but I'm surprised I finish my mile as fast as I did. I'm hoping it continues to look up as it looks like we are coming out of a La Nina year,…
  • I feel like a pansy compared to dellrio lol Last year a 4 year old slammed into my knee with his ski. I was just standing there and he ran into me full speed (he was skiing WAY out of control). I basically saved this kid from slamming into a wall but he really got my knee. I've seen three doctors who didn't help at all.…
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