paolathorpe Member


  • I was looking at your diet and you need to change the way you eat!!!! Your diet is not going to help you anytime soon...and FYI muslce burn calories faster then not having any :)
  • Good for you guys!!! My husband and I are trying to loose too...he has a ankle ijury so he is limited to what he can do, but I work out eveyday on my Xbox Kinect.. It's funny, he's slowly starting to eat'm slowly working him in....jejeje Add me if you like!
    in Hello Comment by paolathorpe March 2011
  • Don't beat yourself up...I try no to go by the scale, I have a pair of shorts that I'm going to fit into by the summer and, I try them on every week, that's how I judge my progress..hope this muscle weighs more then fat so don't get discuraged ;) Add me If you like :)