

  • This last week was awful for exercise! I felt horrible so I struggled through work and I just kept eating healthy. Started a new position at work this week so the stress levels are high. Just trying to do a little yoga to calm things and center myself again. So, I guess I need to step it back up at the gym! Hope everyone…
  • Congrats All!!
  • I made it to the gym 6 days this week, ended with about 60+ minutes of cardio and I just added some strength training to the work out so that is about another 25 minutes. So at this point I am happy with how things are going. I have never had a problem with drinking water, I just think I may have to cut back on some. I…
  • My favorite snack right now is 1/2 a serving of Chocolate Cherio's and and 1/2 a serving of the Multi Grain Peanut Butter Flavor. Kind of gives the taste of a Reeses cup... cures the sweet craving I sometimes have in the evening.
  • I did not do too well on my goals last week, only made the gym 3 times, and the weekend sunk me. We had Easter on Saturday with my family and Easter Sunday was with the in-laws. I did ok watching what I ate, but I still ended up gaining 4 lbs back. So I am keeping the same goals of 5-6 days at the gym and no beer or…
  • My goals got blown out of the water.... I only worked out three days this past week and the beer took over Fri and Saturday. Then Sunday my son introduced me to a Singapore Sling (Yummy) so I totally did not succeed at all in keeping my goals for week one. Now on to week two.....
  • My goals for the week are to work out 6 days this week, and to not over eat to terribly much this coming weekend... Two days of family time are going to be tough!
  • Hi All! My name is Tisa and I am so glad to be here, and Thank You Lucy for putting together this challenge! Just the extra motivation that I need to jump start my new body!! I have been struggling with my weight for the last 22 years. Last January I finally quit smoking, 25+ pounds later I have been smoke free for over a…