

  • Hi. New to the group. Not sure if I'm a technical "binge" eater, but I binge occasionally and am an extreme emotional eater!! Glad to find some support, and when I work up the courage, I'll "friend" a few of you. For now, still reluctant to believe I let myself go this far. Has anyone heard the acronym HALT? It's helped me…
  • Hi all. Thanks for being so open. I'm really shy about being on here ... I'm just coming to terms with my actual, well, size. I've been avoiding it for years, but now I have a 3 year old niece and I have to travel to see her. And getting on a plane just sucks! I dread it. Fitting in the seat. Having to ask for a belt…
  • I actually do that when I can. Helps me see how portions affect my daily total.
  • http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=1052562 Found this by googling low cal smashed sweet potatoes. Let us know how they are!
  • I wondered how many calories Zumba burned, since the Pal doesn't have it. I use www.zumbacalories.com. I hope it's accurate! You put your weight in and your activity level. I'm just starting my journey and have a looooong way to go. But I found a Zumba Toning class, and it is perfect for me. Not as much jumping but still…
  • Hey. I'm just starting out too. I was constantly nibbling on the job, and couldn't stop. Then I lost my job! So now I'm home and I realized I was nibbling due to stress. It's so much easier being home and controlling my stress -- although soon I have to find a job. If it helps, I sometimes use HALT to stop. I ask: Am I…
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