

  • What? Do these ladies really think that guys like that? Every man I know likes curves on their girlfriend/wife. In fact, once, I was laying on my side next to my husband after we had first married...he said "Wow Jess, you have some BIG hips". I INSTANTLY took that comment as an insult. He said "No no no...that's a GOOD…
  • So this sucks. I'm sitting here at work...nothing to do....want to either sleep...or eat. I'm not hungry, just bored. In fact, I already went over my calories for the day (unless I go to the gym tonight - really don't want to) from eating candy. I've drank 2 liters of water today...can't stand to drink anymore...played…
  • :laugh: At least you are honest.
  • Dang. Does he actually say "You're fat"? Well...if YOU feel like you need to get in better shape, great....but don't let him kill your self-esteem. Guys can be so insensitive sometimes!
  • Are our husbands related? :laugh: No sabotaging out of meanness....but my husband and I just can't seem to get on track at the same time. When I decided to eat healthy - he walks in the house with 3 grocery bags full of desserts and chips, and wants to go to the chinese buffet for dinner, and when he's trying to get fit, I…
  • Try eating a small meal every 3 hours. That's what I've been doing the past 4 monhts - lost 17lbs so far. I feel like I'm ALWAYS eating, so never really OVER-eat from being hungry.
  • clcomb3, I agree with the above statement. You are definitely not eating enough. Mecanicmom, It sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Can you tell a difference in the way you look? Are you putting on muscle?
  • I'm so excited to try out these recipes. I've never had spaghetti squash before. I looked it up...very low in calories! Does it LOOK like spaghetti with maranara sauce? Just wondering if I can trick my husband into trying it. :laugh:
  • I LOVE to several small meals throughout the day works for me. Something like this: Breakfast: oatmeal or cereal Snack: yogurt or fruit Lunch: tuna/crackers or turkey sandwich/wrap, soup (GREATEST food EVER), vegetables Snack: granola bar Dinner: chicken breast, soup, vegetables, rice Snack: granola bar or fruit…
  • Wow, really? I AM anemic...and crave chocolate SO VERY maybe I should try the supplement. Thanks for the tip!
  • 1. To feel better - more energy/confidence 2. To not be embarrassed in a bikini this summer....for once :blushing: 3. To avoid diabetes/high blood pressure (my Mom is dealing with it...already) 4. To be able to finish a marathon...or half marathon
  • I've taken SOOO MANY different diet pills since I was 15 years old......almost 15 years I am, still trying to drop pounds. Now I'm not taking ANY diet pills, just a multivitamin, and watching what I eat and working-out, and the pounds are melting off. Best of all - I feel so great! When I took diet pills I…
  • No weight loss this week. :cry: Oh well, at least I didn't gain (like I thought I might). Still 10lbs to go, before Valentines Day.
  • Beyonce! Luckily, my husband loves the curves!
  • Hi! I eat a small meal every 2-3 hours....and lots and lots of water! It really helps with the hunger pains. Of course I'd rather be eating a big greasy, cheesy meal every 2-3 hours....but that's a different subject. -Jess
  • Hi! My husband and I both gained 20lbs after getting married. :blushing: It was just so easy to order pizza or snack on Doritos and chocolate after a long day and cuddle on the couch. We've been apart the past several months, but I'll be home in a few weeks and boy is he in for a reality check. :happy: I've lost 20lbs…
  • Geez...I think of all those times I finished my salad, numerous breadsticks, entire meal AND dessert. :noway:
  • Good job! You are exactly right - Take each day as it comes. It's great that your husband is trying to eat healthier with you! My husband and I are really good at "dieting" at different times and sabotaging each other's efforts. :laugh: The last time I was trying to cut back on calories, he came home from the grocery store…
  • Good for you for sticking up for someone....and a stranger at that! It's good deeds like that that'll really make a difference in this world. Give Janet all our best wishes!
  • Greetings from Balad! Losing some pounds should be pretty easy..unless your DFAC is as good as ours! I had to ask my family to send me lots and lots of tuna packs so that I could avoid having to go to the DFAC and be faced with pizza, cheeseburgers, icecream and cheesecake. :tongue: I lost close to 20lbs the past 3 months!…
  • Hello and welcome! -I'm originally from Ohio.....miss those chili-cheese coneys. MMMMmmmmm
  • Hi. I'm also from VA....trying to get down to 125lb (my DREAM weight since the 5th grade). I'm getting there, but will be back in town in a few weeks and just KNOW that Wok N Roll, Coldstone Creamery and Moe's will be calling to me. MMMMMmmmmm...... :tongue: Ever been to Moe's? I have got to figure out the calories in…
  • Joann, Does it taste like cauliflower or can it be disguised easily?? I wanted to try it out on my husband, but he's such a picky eater. I was hoping I could trick him and tell him what it was AFTER he finished it. :laugh:
  • Probably not the right kind of support she needs......but it did make me laugh. :laugh: DON'T BARF! Hit the gym and start burning off those extra calories. You can do it! Those pounds will come off before you know it. Just get back on track.
  • I'm also from Ohio. Glad to be dieting out of state....I can escape from those delicious chili-cheese coneys. Yummm...:laugh:
  • Delindy, I in no way meant to sound as if I was "attacking" you by my previous comment, and seeming unsupportive. I definitely applaude you for wanting to make healthier decisions in your life. The media is an ugly, ugly monster. I just hate to hear of others letting the media influence their thoughts/emotions/decisions in…
  • Hi Lacy! I'm Jessica, also from Hampton, VA. I'm currently in Iraq, so I lost some weight pretty easily at first....then hit a plateau. This site really helped me get past that plateau. Nice meeting you! -Jess
  • 7 pounds?! Wow! Congratulations! You conquered the holidays quite nicely!! -Jess
  • :laugh: I'm so clumbsy.....I'd probably be falling all over myself, cracking up the whole time! I can't even attend aerobics classes because I have no grace or rhythm and end up toppled over, laughing. I bet it'll be a great work-out for you though! Give it a shot!
  • I did an hour of cardio on the elliptical machine. Lost one more pound! Then spent the rest of the day eating lots and lots of candy. Oh well...back on track tomorrow. :blushing: -Jess
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