

  • Hi! Yes, I have scheduled eating times: Breakfast: 7:00 Snack: 9:00 Lunch: 11:00 Snack: 2:00 Dinner: 5:00 Dessert: 6:00 I started doing this because someone told me to eat every 2-3 hours, six times a day to keep my metabolism up. Now that I've been ding it for a while, my body has adjusted and I know that when I get…
  • Good job! This time last year I was out of the 140's briefly. Now I'm back to being over. :cry: I'm such a yo-yo dieter.
  • It's been months since I've used this site. I have a bad habit of losing the weight....then getting lazy and gaining it back. So here I am again...trying to drop the lbs. The delicious holiday desserts are not helping. I've been eating "buckeyes" all week. So yummy! So I worked out for the first time in a long time today,…
  • Try to find "melathon" on this site and talk to her. She is FULL of great info. :smile:
  • Haha! I have a miniature dachshund (wiener dog) who's cute little face I can't resist either!
  • Harsh. Ignore her and stick to what you are doing. Don't let her sabatoge your efforts. You're doing great!
  • Great idea!! I can't believe I never thought of using apple cider vinegar on salad. I KNEW it had a detox ex-stepfather would drink it to "get other things out of his system". He's a dirt-bag...but ANYWAY........:laugh: Great tip!! As for diet pills....I say waste of $$ that I could be spending on fruits and…
  • Yum... Taco Bell is a MAJOR weakness of mine. I've never tried the Fresco stuff...but have eaten TONS of everything else on the menu. I'll try it out.
  • Welcome back. I'm also back from a hiatus.....I don't have being ill as an excuse though. :blushing: Sounds like you did well watching what you eat. 2-3lbs is nothing. It'll drop back off in no time.
  • Thanks. I'll remember that. Yeah, we're driving from Virginia to California with 2 dogs. I'm anticipating lots of fast food stops. I'll be sure to pack some healthy snacks too. Thanks for the advice guys.
  • Good question! I'm torn on that one also! I've never heard of diet coke being addictive...but I have heard about aspartame being really bad for you. I also heard that artificial sweeteners may possibly trick your body into thinking you are ingesting sugars...which makes it release insulin...and end up storing more fat.…
  • I took A LOT of phentermine when I was younger. In fact, I'd almost say that I was "addicted" to it. I LOVED all the energy it gave me..but never really lost weight..that stayed off. It just didn't work out for me. Since I started eating small healthy meals throughout the day and working out the pounds melted off.…
  • So I'm back home from a recent deployment which I lost almost 20lbs during. My motivation to work-out and eat right sure did go down the drain when I stepped foot on American soil. American food is just sooo delicious! It's been 3 weeks and I probably have gained at least HALF of what took me 4 months to lose. :grumble:…
  •'s THAT time. I'm heading back to the good ole' USA. I'm soooooooo excited, but now is the time I'm really going to be tested. It's easy to lose weight when you're deployed, the chow hall food isn't great, and there is nothing to do except exercise. Now I'm going to be faced with delicious delicious delicious…
  • The Kashi products are soooo good! AND good for you!
  • Genius!! I can't wait to try it!!
  • Hi! I'm from Middletown, Ohio! Go Buckeyes! Quitting smoking AND losing weight?! Those are 2 hard obstacles...but you can do it! Stay strong!! -Jess
  • That's so exciting! I'll be moving close to Lancaster California soon. How close is that to Fresno? -Jess
  • Hi Brazeaut! My husband and are both active duty and I am currently in Iraq. No one knows the struggles that a military spouse goes through like other military members. I want to thank you for dealing with all of the obstacles that are thrown your way, being in the military family. It sure isn't easy. Stick with this site!…
  • So true! A friend of mine recently pointed out how negative I ALWAYS am. She said that if you always let yourself think of the negative aspect of won't recognize the positive things when they DO happen. She's right. Keep your chin up! Good things are happening all around us.
  • Cheats are a must! I don't PLAN on having a specific day (one day a week)...but if the opportunity arrises...sure, I'll have a (small) piece of birthday cake. I had some delicious carrot cake yesterday. MMmmmm...... If I don't "cheat" every now and then...I'll end up losing my mind and eating the ENTIRE cake when no one is…
  • I have to admit...I totally gave-in to my munchies this week and boy did I PIG OUT! I'm usually OUT OF CONTROL with the eating one week out of the month. The only difference this time...I went to the gym a second time and worked off all that crap I ate. I still managed to lose a pound this week.....but going to the gym…
  • Sure! It's usually something like this...... 0700: Oatmeal or cereal, yogurt (I would eat eggs...but don't have access to them at this time) 0900: Granola bar (love the Kashi brand) 1200: Turkey wrap or tuna, mixed vegetables, rice 1400: Apple, beef jerkey 1700: Soup, vegetables, chicken breast 1900: Granola bar or yogurt…
  • I missed something...need to catch up and read some posts...but wanted to say I'm SO glad you are hangin' around! I always read your posts. You are the most up-beat, motivated, informative person on this site. Hang in there! -Jess
  • Genius! :laugh: I work with a guy who is always clearing his throat (most disgusting sound I've ever heard) and he's always picking his nose. Thanks to him being a disgusting individual...I am now able to avoid eating any community food here at work. :smile:
  • I lost 1 pound this week! Which is amazing considering all the chocolate I've been eating. Starting weight: 152lbs Current weight: 134lbs Goal weight: 125lbs
  • I was reading through various blogs and was surprised to see so many of them talking about fasting, or only eating around 700 calories a day. :noway: I just want to a female that has struggled with weight issues my whole life, I have starved myself, made myself vomit, taken every diet pill (and lots of them), and…
  • No more phentermine! Try packing your lunch for work....healthy choices.
  • I'm right there with ya terriberri. Carrots...celery...although they are the RIGHT snacks to grab....when I'm PMSing, give me chocolate! I've had more reese's peanutbutter cups this week than I can count. Then....I feel guilty for going over my calories and make up for it at the gym. Such a vicious cycle......but for those…
  • Good tips. Thanks. The damage has been done...for today. Reese's Cups are of the Devil. :devil: I'll hit the gym tonight. Need to burn ONLY 800 calories. :laugh:
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