trying to diet while pmsing

how does anyone battle that successfully?:grumble:

no matter how i try to talk myself out of eating the wrong things, or more often than i normally's to no avail. apparently i don't listen to ME, at all!!!

the snack attacks are tripled during this time for me. is there a miracle cure for this, that doesn't include "choosing healthy" when snacking? because the string cheese or the tangerine, can be right next to whatever is salty (chips, etc...), and i'll pick the unhealthy snack in a hot second.

it's only this way during pms...but that lasts about 4 days for me, undoing any progress i manage to make.




  • terriberri
    how does anyone battle that successfully?:grumble:

    no matter how i try to talk myself out of eating the wrong things, or more often than i normally's to no avail. apparently i don't listen to ME, at all!!!

    the snack attacks are tripled during this time for me. is there a miracle cure for this, that doesn't include "choosing healthy" when snacking? because the string cheese or the tangerine, can be right next to whatever is salty (chips, etc...), and i'll pick the unhealthy snack in a hot second.

    it's only this way during pms...but that lasts about 4 days for me, undoing any progress i manage to make.


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    All PMS does to me is make me cry :cry:


    Just get rid of the bad snacks. Or put them away somewhere really high so you can forget about them. I recently found a *really* old bag of cookies at the top shelf of our highest cupboard, ew! I didn't eat them.:tongue: Also, when you feel 'snacky', make sure you're really hungry and not just craving something. Drink a big bottle of water, take a walk, come visit us in the forums:bigsmile: , whatever you can do to take your mind off of it. Either you're legitimately hungry, which you'll know if you still feel it after 20 minutes, or it was just a fleeting thought about "Hmmm, a cookie would be yummy..." If you're hungry, make yourself a meal. If not, rejoice that you were victorious in this one battle with your limbic hunger.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I allow myself a little dark chocolate. That is what I crave. And I allow myself to have it towards the end of the day. That way I have something to look forward to. I drink LOTS of water...more than usual. And I make sure that I force myself to go to the gym...even if it's only to walk slowly on the treadmill. It makes me feel a billion times better. And I usually eat popcorn...I tend to get a salty craving as well as the sweet and popcorn tends to take care of that and it's low cal. So, think positively! You can do this! Good luck!!:bigsmile:

  • terriberri
    oyyyy songbyrd....

    all great advice. i have three kids at home, so there are always snack things in the house. i don't go for sugar (i am pre-diabetic and haven't had sweets in almost four years). that isn't my weakness. it's salty, carby things. it's awful. and when i'm not pmsing...these aren't real issues for me most of the time.

    i have tried everything you suggested...accept to come to these boards the next time i'm fighting the craving. i am new it wasn't an option before. i will try that....if i'm somewhere near a puter.

    it's just a really tough few days to get thru. and i'm thinking it's all multiplied by the fact that i quit smoking new years eve. i'm 10 days cigarette free...but i tend to think i need something in my mouth more often

    thank you for your suggestions.

  • terriberri
    ooohhhh...popcorn....i love that idea!!!! it has to be better than some of the salty, carby things i usually grab, right? (chips, tortillas, bread with peanut butter, etc...)

    thanks for that idea!!
  • jessjess
    I'm right there with ya terriberri.

    Carrots...celery...although they are the RIGHT snacks to grab....when I'm PMSing, give me chocolate! I've had more reese's peanutbutter cups this week than I can count. Then....I feel guilty for going over my calories and make up for it at the gym.

    Such a vicious cycle......but for those few seconds that I'm eating that chocolate...I don't want to strangle anyone, and am happy. :wink:

    Treat yourself every now and then...but make up for it at the gym.