

  • People don't always like change, and for those folks, especially change they did not implement. I've lost 50 lbs over several years and maintained the loss. I have friends and acquintances who support me but astonishing, I have family who always try to sabotage my weight loss by making high calorie and fattening meals.…
  • Jello is a good option if you're the type of emotional eater that likes sweets or "soft" type foods. I myself am more of a texture/crunch eater. I usually look to exercise or do some other kind of activity to keep my mind off eating, but if that fails, I usually try to keep raw veg like celery or cauliflower handy. I have…
  • Congrats to all on the weight loss. Over the past few years I managed to lose and keep off 50 lbs. I have been fortunate to have friends who have been very encouraging and like the new me. My spouse however is a different story. He preferred the old me rather than the new one. It's sad to think that someone who is supposed…