MelMena Member


  • So if someone opened a "skinny's only gym" then that would be ok too? Ha. Doubt it. I hate going to the gym because of a-holes - skinny and fat. People who are pigs and don't wipe down machines. Guys who get behind the chick on the treadmill with her butt bouncing up and down and go 2mph for an hour watching her. Ew.
  • How did he determine that you have 25% BF to LOSE? That number seems very high to me. There is nothing wrong with questioning a doctor or getting a second opinion.
  • I'm not going to worry about it. I'm going to Cuba next week and I won't be able to log in for 10 days. I will post that I will be out of internet range so my MFP peeps know that I didn't fall off the wagon! I look at my ticker more than days logged.
  • LOVE yoga. We have an instructor come to our office twice a week and there are 4 of us that practice regularly. I have found that my upper body strength has increased as well as my balance. I also love the 4-5 minutes at the end where we totally relax and I nearly fall asleep!
  • Take it slow!! :flowerforyou: But yeah, that is the beauty of all of this. :drinker:
  • Yeah, food wouldn't work for me...I eat pretty much anything I want as it is! My reward will be not looking like a beached whale when I am in Cuba with all the hot latinas 9 days. :smokin:
    in REWARDS? Comment by MelMena June 2012
  • Way to go!!
  • As a Mom of special needs kids I know that "reducing stress" just isn't going to happen. I started yoga 4 months ago and while it has great physical advantages I feel that I just can't get through my week without the meditation portion of it. Maybe instead of working out your body you relaz your mind during that time.…
  • Um, I think I have found my TWIN!! 5'9.5 156 lbs 26.3 BF% Thighs 23.5 Calves 14
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I like Chipolte because I CAN portion control more than I can at other places. I know that their sodium is out of control and I pay for it the next day but I can control most of the rest.
  • Denial? Oh eff no, that is the LAST thing I am in when I "don't use the site right". I don't use this site to make friends or have people tell me good job. It is for myself. Since I am the one who is butt *kitten* naked on that scale in the morning you can be sure that if I see an increase that I am NOT in denial. I record…
  • Go to Cuba, they will let you drink as much as you want if you have the pesos for it.
  • I walked the streets of Havana Cuba at 1am and I make sure my *kitten* is out of the Detroit city limits before the street lights come on. I have it good. My husband lived in Italy and Spain and is Cuban and he fits in nicely everywhere we go. I just let him do the talking and I smile and enjoy the food and beautiful…
  • Chocolate ice cream almost nightly. Sometimes after 10pm! *gasp*
  • This is VERY interesting. My husband is from Cuba and he was diagnosed about 18 months after coming here. We live in Michigan where we have little sun exposure for 6-8 months of the year. Wow, he goes to the doctor this week and he will be asking to have his VitD checked for sure!!
  • Start watching your macros. I changes my settings to 40% carbs/30% fat/30% protein and that made a world of difference for me. I also watch my sodium intake closely. I try not to go over 2000mg a day. (2500 is the max recommended)
  • Yep, 20 minutes. You know they have lots of time for all those "standardize tests" but no time for kids to eat in a healthy manner.
  • Says who? A nut and cherry kashi bar is better than a chocholate chip cookie any day. Nutella, 1 TBSP is 5g of fat, 11 carbs and 10g of sugar. LESS sugar than a TBSP of strawberry jelly.
  • My daughter gets a salad every day. She loads it up with nuts, eggs and chick peas and a good amount of veggies. Yes, she probably puts a ton of ranch, but better than a slimey pizza. My sons will not touch the elementary lunches. My 11 year old is a big kid - 5'5 and 110 pounds and growing like a weed. I have to send him…
  • First: I tell my husband. He goes into Doomsday Prepper mode. After that I pretty much just try to get through the next week without making the kids cry, getting fired, engaging in road rage or estranging myself from my husband. Oh, and I make sure that I have plenty of healthy snacks on hand. I will blow through a box of…
  • One the type of chicken breast that you buy. I have found that the sodium levels vary greatly. They add a "solution" and it is bacically salt water!
  • I eat a bowl of ice cream almost every night before bed and I have lost 20 pounds. I stop eating when I feel like it, not according to the clock.
  • Sterling Heights here! I bought some Zumba DVD's to help me get through the winter. I figured the hot latin beats would help my mood improve when it is frickin freezing outside. Now that summer has hit I haven't done a DVD - there is just too much fun stuff to do! Biking, soccer, basketball, swimming at one of the many…
    in Michigan Comment by MelMena June 2012
  • So then why aren't you entering all of your own info and not relying on what has already been done? If you have the info in front of you then put it in and use it. Pretty sure there is no conspiracy theory.
  • Just under 5'10 and I wear heels when I get the chance too. I work in manufacturing as a trainer and I would get my *kitten* kicked if I wore a pair of "foo foo fancy" shoes to work. However, get those girls and I outside of work and you bet your booty we all have heels on!! Love my knee high boots with 4 inch heels.
  • Well, I will be going to Cuba for 2 weeks next month and I will not be ABLE to log in!! (Internet is VERY limited in Cuba) It will be the ultimate test. I will try to keep a daily journal of what I eat, but I know that I will be fine. For the most part when on vacation I do not go over calories because I am keeping very…
  • I often take a nap on my yoga days. Yoga kicks my butt. I look at it this way...I'm not napping out of boredom, I'm napping because my body needs a rest period. I usually only nap for 15-20 minutes and I feel very refreshed afterwards. Now, my concern is always how much trouble can my kids get into WHILE I am napping!
  • I eat fruit. I eat strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, red grapes, cantelope and the occasional banana. I've lost 20 pounds since March 19th. I've lost 10.5 inches. I eat fruit.
  • I'm 5'9 3/4 and currently at 161 and 26%BF. My goal is 20% BF. What weight that will put me at I have no idea. I weighed 125 5 years ago and I was skinny fat - size 4 and nothing but skin and bones. If I get down to 125 now I will have a boatload of muscle and look awesome. :happy: For me it isn't so much about the scale.…