tinaisme Member


  • The worst for me was bout three months ago, I was at work thing for my husband and one of his coworks said " You didn't tell us she was pregnant again!! And so far along." I just wanted to run and hide. instead I said no not pregant just fat. But I have not gone out with him and his friends since
  • I feel the same way about leaving, and even though I dropped a lot of weight Im still not where I want to be, and feel like everyone is looking at me. And not in a good way, I know its in my head and I just go about my business but its hard to just not stay in
  • Hey girls my daughter is almost and im still carrying around all this extra weight. Im so close to my goal but I cant get there, I hit a stall and cant seem to lose anymore. Im hping with the tools on this site and the supoort I can reach my goal age- 28 5'3 sw-197 cw-154 gw-135-140
  • Hey girls I have been doing this site for about a week now. And I think im seeing some good results. I haven't checked my weight cause im trying to wait , that way there is more then a half of pound drop. My daughter is almost a year old and im still hanging on to this weight. Im hoping that with the help of this site I…