mygotti2005 Member


  • I go through the exact same thing EVERYDAY. It gets old and tiring. I just started to respond..."Thank you for your concern but I truly feel that you are not use to seeing me smaller ( I forbid myself to use the word thin or skinny). And my doctor is happy with my progress and he is not at all concerned. Hope it helps but…
  • Hello Sarah, You are on the right track!! It is all your mind set. I have been yo-yo dieting my entire life. I now believe after 5 years of being within 25 pounds of where I want to be I know what I am doing. If you need a boost you will get one from me. My name is Julie. This is a one day at a time program. Don't beat…
  • Hello Jenn, I am brand new to this site as well. I joined in on Monday and so far so good. I wish you luck in your nutrtional status and your recovery!! I too, am a grandma to a beautiful 18 month old grandson. Because I want to be around for him for a long time I joined here for nutritional and weight loss help. Hang in…
    in Hello Comment by mygotti2005 March 2012