

  • AGREED! I can't believe some of the advice I am seeing on this forum. There is absolutely no reason to eat rasberries over other fruit with a similar GI and GL.... lets say an apple. Rasberries have a Glycemic index of 40 and a Glycemic Load of 5 (for 1 cup) Apples have a Glycemic index of 32 and a Glycemic Load of 5 (per…
    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
  • The problem is that you knew beforehand that they would not be able to substantiate this. In order to empirically prove that they were gaining weight while maintaining a caloric deficit they would have to perform a metabolic baseline test every single day, which is not realistic. You were plainly picking a fight. I would…
    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
  • There is some good information in this post - such as your body type affecting your weight, however the notion that your bloodtype affects your metabolism is not backed by any scientific evidence. This theory was made popular by Dr. D'adamo's book "eat right for your type." He states that his information is backed up by…
    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
  • Added sugar is certainly the most often abused and easiest glucose source to limit, but there are plenty of foods out there that are just as "bad" for you. Google "glycemic index" - it will give you a good idea of which fruits have a high or low value
    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
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    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
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    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
  • in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
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    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
  • jsapninz for the most part has it right. For most people, calories are in fact calories, and if one eats at a deficit one will lose weight... it can be as simple as that. I did want to address the whole "good sugar, bad sugar" topic being talked about in this thread. The label "good sugar bad sugar" is way to simplistic.…
    in Sugar Comment by cuervoferoz April 2012
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