

  • I would never think to log cooking (?!) but I have logged "cleaning" on occasion. For example one day I painted my entire dining room, so I knew that was a good workout. Another time I rearranged furntiure and did major hauling from the basement to the upstairs and counted that as well. So, sort of like you, I feel it…
  • You'll make it! I have a vacation in March, so I'm in your boat as well. Stay within your daily calorie goals and you'll be fine. I have been "behaving" lately, the past two months I've been putting forth more effort and I've lost 10 pounds, which is right on target with what mfp said I'd lose. Good luck, but more…
  • I had a similar day yesterday, with 656 calories" leftover". However, that is rare, so when it happens I don't feel like I need to eat just to eat. Most days Im a little higher or lower than my goal. If you often have such a big amount of calories leftover I think it'd be best to eat more so you don't deprive yourself…
  • I make my own type of trail mix with salted nuts, craisins, and semi-sweet chocolate chips. The combo of those three things is really satisfying to me- salty, sweet, and filling!
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