

  • Not sure about the popcorn and cheese. Popcorn is a ton of wasted calories and cheese is high in fat and calories.
  • Salad with low fat dressing and some fruit.
  • My weakness is chocolate. I have found that if I stay away from chocolate, I don't crave it. That is not to say that I never eat chocolate. I just make sure that if I eat it, it is worth it because after I eat it, I start craving it again and it takes a lot of time for those cravings to go away. I only eat it when it is…
  • Aren't we put here to be judged, not to judge!!!!!
  • I gained 15 pounds when I quit smoking and I couldn't udnerstand why because I was eating less and exercising more. My doctor told me that smoking robs your body of oxygen. Without oxygen your body doesn't function correctly and it burns more calories to function. Once you quit smoking, your body metabolism slows down and…
  • I went to a nutritionist because I thought I was calculating and eating all the right things and just couldn't lose any weight. I am now on a 1200 calorie diet which I try to stick to religiously at least 5-6 days a week and I lose about 1 pound a week. I do not add calories to compensate for calories burned during…
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