Welcome aboard, This program has helped me lose 27 lbs so far and have gained great muscle mass. Keep with it and you will definitely hit your goal. Good luck
No cheats days, I do the same thing, I work what I want into My Calorie Profile
I am 5'4" 190.5lbs, Trying to get to 150lbs....I have lost 9 lbs in about 3 weeks....yeahhhh:wink:
Why Do you ask how it was for me? How was it for you?
I am a Deputy and I love the Excuses i get when I pull a car over, If you can Make me laugh in the first 30 seconds, No ticket....lmbo My Favorite so Far was: (true Story)( this occurred on a major through fair) Me: Sir do you know you were doing 25 mph under the speed limit? you were backing traffic up for miles. Any…
I am A deputy Sheriff...Enough