

  • Meh, you binge for two weeks, you cut for two weeks. Time will show you it really doesn't matter - especially at your age. Just make sure your long term strategy evens out.
  • It would need to be 3500 kcals ABOVE your TDEE to create a pound. So really we're talking 5-6k calories per day - not 3500 for you to gain that much weight.
  • The best time to start lifting is yesterday. The second best time is right now. There is no reason to wait unless you want delayed results.
  • It's water weight. 2 lbs didn't evaporate. You're a big boy and you can move big weight. I can make the scale read 2 lbs lighter after a solid 30 minutes of cardio - it doesn't matter. What does matter is what I'm eating, the number of calories that represents against my TDEE and how consistent I am. Stop weighing yourself…
  • Stop beating yourself up. A lot of that is water weight. It takes 3500 kcals to make a pound so unless you ate an extra 24500 kcals in that time that's not actual fat. If you reduce your carbs and get back on track you'll find a good deal of that weight will fall back off. You did 9 days of damage - you have years to fix…