SandiCakes Member


  • You're definitely right about that Shannon! I've lost weight since Monday and today FINALLY thought woohooo something's working lol
  • That's a great idea! And VERY true!! Thanks guys for all the great ideas.....i have never liked cauliflower but i'm gonna have to suck it up and try that recipe polo LOL
  • @Wolfman, thanks!! such logic coming from a guy is super helpful!! My husband is so supportive (thank GOD), but he's super fit with an outrageous metabolism (i've learned to still love him even while hating him for that lol) so he doesn't really know what it's like for me. I'm not huge but it's not easy peasy for me like…
  • Hi S, You only fail if you quit trying!!! I am only on Day 3 as well, but we've gotta stay focused girlie!! :) As for the items on the app, you can search a ton of foods on their database. You can even scan barcodes. You can add them as well. Or do you mean food ideas? Either way, keep track of everything and add me if you…
  • hahahaha!!! i love the last line!! I wouldn't be able to eat all of that even if i did want to. Just reading your post made me feel empowered though, thank you! I AM in control, not my cravings. BOOYAH! I don't want to say "if i behave" because that's all a matter of perspective. I will, though, have 2 slices of pizza when…
  • Oh he most definitely does!!!! He's my little love of my life. Thank you for welcoming me!! I have been on the site a long time, but have not gotten involved or made friends. I also haven't had much success since i haven't kept consistent :( BUT, i'm on day 3 and i HAVE to HAVE to keep focused so i decided to just jump on…
  • That's a great idea, maybe even on whole wheat tortillas. I have been eating tuna for lunch (with different mix-ins) because i love tuna and it's easy. Then I have the more creative meals for dinner at home with the family. Looks like i'll have to start getting creative with my lunches and maybe that will make is seem…