

  • My mouth is watering thinking of phillipino and Indian food. Good for you for your portion control because I would have been getting "turnt up" at that buffet.
  • Happy Friday everyone! I went out to dinner for Friday night date night, and I still stayed within my calorie goal!
  • I am loving how positive everyone on here is, it's really keeping me going on my goals. You guys are amazing!
  • Had a better work out than I expected today. I went to the pool to do an hour at a leisure pace, but there was this girl there who was like part dolphin or something, she was killing it. I felt the silent pressure to keep up so I ended up doing 30min of the hardest swimming of my life. Kudos to her though, it must be sweet…
  • Worked out yesterday and the day before. I am lucky enough to have a swimming pool in my building, I also walked like 3.7km. Today I'm a little sore and feeling slothish but my goal is to be active in some way after work everyday, So I had better get busy! does petting my cat and watching Boy Meets World count as a work…
  • Welcome! Congrats on your baby, and good for you for sticking with old goals, using new motivations! I'm just getting started on my journey as well, consistency is key!
  • Don't compare yourself to the people around you, focus less on how you think people are looking at you, and more about how you're feeling, physically. Take it easy on yourself, if all you feel up to doing is logging what you eat, than just do that. If you go for a walk and only go a block, screw it. 1 block is better than…
    in Help Comment by shamrocker182 March 2015