starofdawn Member


  • I keep my calorie goal at 1200, but I'm 5'1 and I do not exercise and lead a sedentary lifestyle. I regularly hit below 1200 but I think it's fine. I'm starting graduate school in the fall and will not have a car. I will be doing a lot of walking/standing! I may increase my daily calorie limit once that happens to account…
  • Hell yeah! I think I'll be sipping on vodkas and diet cokes from now on... unless I'm being the DD.
  • Woo! Very happy to join a group with like-sized people and like-sized GW. I admire those who lose 50+ lbs but I'll never have that flair. Goals: - Get down to 120ish. Even better if 115, but I think I love spaghetti too much. - Look good in a bikini. - Not have to shop and worry "if it'll look right on my pudgy body". -…