

  • You're right, I did not choose my words wisely. I think a book such as that or reading done on a reputable website can be an excellent resource for someone interested in starting a weightlifting routine. My more general point was that reading, studying photographs, and watching videos are not the best way to learn how to…
  • I realize that...she should look for one in her area that does though. I'm unfamiliar with the other certifications that are offered in the UK (quick google search didn't bring up any besides the UKSCA) but I know that the UKSCA cert. is exponentially better than the NSCA, ACE, or any other certification in the states and…
  • If I were you, I wouldn't waste my money on any books about weightlifting (especially one that differentiates based on gender...that's just a marketing ploy). You're better off taking that money and getting a personal trainer for 1-3 sessions with the sole purpose of learning the essential weightlifting maneuvers (i.e.…