CindyLynn28 Member


  • Thank you! Good luck in school, I'm sure you'll do great!
    in Nurses Comment by CindyLynn28 May 2012
  • Happy Nurses Week! I just finished an LPN to RN program (was an LPN for 10 years) and I passed the boards last month!!
    in Nurses Comment by CindyLynn28 May 2012
  • Hi, everyone! My name is Cindy. I'm in the Tacoma area. Another transplant from Texas! I've been here almost six years. I absolutely love the beautiful scenery, and hate the weather (summers being the exception).
  • My weight is at 160 today which is 3lbs less than when we started the challenge in September. I thought I was going to be flat, so this was a nice surprise. Measurements: OldNew Bust: 36.536.5 Chest: 3333 Waist at navel: 3635 Hips: 39.538 Thighs: 23.523 So I lost 3 inches! I think I may take today as a rest day. I'm…
  • Hi ladies! I haven't exercised today because I have a test tomorrow morning and I've been studying for that. My food intake went well today. My DH made s'mores for dessert and I still didn't go over calories for the day. I'm hoping to get a long workout in tomorrow. It's a DONSA for my DH, so he can pick up my oldest from…
  • I have to apologize again for not being as present as I could, but with going to college and taking care of my family, I forget to post here like I should. The month of September was a total bust. I lost about 6lbs, but I gained and lost that weight over the entire month, so I ended up where I started. My goals for…
  • Hi Ladies! Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I fell off the wagon for the last few weeks and have been having a hard time getting back on. I finally feel like I'm back at it though. I didn't get any exercise today, but I will be able to tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to it! It has been way too long. :)…
  • It's been a very long while since I last posted. I started making wrong choices and then got sick, so I haven't really been doing well. I'm up a lot of pounds to 163. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow so that I can have my healthy foods stocked back up again. I sent my DH to the store when I was sick and he stocked up…
  • myboysmomx2: Prayers said! I pray that your dad's surgery is quick and uneventful and that you will do exceptionally well as your mom's primary care giver. I finally got back in the flow of things today. I burned 407 calories doing banish fat, boost metabolism dvd. I was under calories, but over fat and sodium. This is…
  • The last two days have not gone very well. I haven't exercised and have gone over calories both days. My schedule this week is pretty jam-packed, but I'm hoping to still get exercise in during the mornings. I hope the rest of you guys are doing well. Oh, congrats to VKCooper!! I wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy! :)
  • I burned 355 calories today and stayed within my calorie goal. I also did 2 miles on my elliptical. I need to work on water intake though. I think I only drank about 5 cups, if that, and it's fairly hot here so I should have had more. Gonna work on that tomorrow. :)
  • Good morning, ladies!! I was down to 159.8 this morning! I haven't been in the 150s since I gave birth to my oldest almost 7 years ago. Total down this week: 3 lbs!!! For the weekly challenge I'm going to try to add 20-30 minutes of elliptical to my 30 Day Slimdown Challenge. Depending upon my speed, I could do an extra…
  • Today went OK. I exercised, but didn't but put any effort into it and only burned 160ish calories. Tomorrow's mission is to exercise in the morning before it gets too hot. I also went over a little bit on my calories and had to include a walk that I took even though I didn't want to count it as exercise. Just really hate…
  • RDH77: I hope that these next 21 days help to jumpstart your weight loss!! :) Today was a good day. I burned 461 calories doing both Level 2 Ripped in 30 and then 30 minutes on the elliptical. I did very well for my food, too. I'm off to shower and go to bed. I've gone to bed at midnight or later the last two nights and…
  • Yesterday I said I was going to workout, but today was my rest day and I took it. I stayed within my calories today. I would have been way under, but decided that I deserved a treat and had a little ice cream. Oh so delicious.... Tomorrow I'm back to the 30 Day Slimdown and I'm actually looking forward to it!
  • Hey Ladies! Today was so-so. I stayed within my calorie goal, but went over 2 on fat and almost 200 for sodium. I forgot to take ground turkey down for dinner before I left to do last minute school shopping and had my DH pick up Popeye's for dinner. I'm sad because it usually tastes so good, but I was just thinking how I…
  • Hi everyone! We had an absolutely gorgeous day today. So, my DH and I took our boys to the park and we had a picnic, played, rode bikes and slept (me :embarassed: ) for a couple of hours. I'm on day 5 of the 30 Day Slimdown, so I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I absolutely LOVE this workout DVD. It uses no hand weights…
  • Today went OK. I only had coffee at breakfast and then ate a bit more than I wanted at lunch, which evened out because of no breakfast. I had a grilled steak, half a baked sweet potato and a cucumber and tomato salad for dinner. I stayed within my calorie goal for today and didn't go over on the sodium! For exercise, I did…
  • I did a 50 minute Jillian Michael's DVD (No More Trouble Zones), burned 254 calories, and logged all of my food. I met all of my goals for today. :) I also looked at my measurements from when I first started and realized that I have lost 18 inches over all!!! Today was a great first day of the challenge.
  • Thanks for setting everything up! SW: 162.8 November 12th GW: 152.8 DAILY GOALS: Log all food, Stay within calorie and sodium limits, and exercise at least 30 min. per day. WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 5-6 days per week (Either Jillian Michael DVDs or elliptical) SEPTEMBER GOAL: Complete the Jillian Michael 30 Day Slimdown. REST…
  • I would love to join, too! My DH is active duty in the military and our ball this year is around Christmas. I'm hoping to 'Rock the Dress' definitely!!
  • I can relate too. My husband is active duty Army. I'm hoping to one day be the 'hot' wife at all of the various functions we go to. :)
  • I bought 'Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism' and 'No More Trouble Zones' from Amazon. They should be here tomorrow! I'm excited to try this.
  • This looks really interesting. I think I'm in!
  • Take him with you! My boys are great company and they help keep me motivated with impromptu races. Since you're doing couch to 5K, you guys could race during the run sections. Have you given any consideration to workout DVDs? I bought a couple for when we can't get out of the house and really enjoy them. Good luck!
  • L1D2 finished. I didn't think yesterday was all that bad, but I had to modify a lot of the exercises today because I was too sore!:laugh: I burned 220 calories today. :)
  • W1D1 Finished!! I burned 289 calories not including the cool down. SM: Hips: 41in Waist: 36in Bust: 37.5in Chest: 34in Arms: 13.5in Thighs: 25in SW: 164lb
  • Yay! I'm so glad you're doing it too! :)
  • Thank you! I didn't know that. :smile:
  • I'm in! I've had my DVD for about two weeks and I've only done it twice. :blushing: ETA: Is there a way to subscribe to a thread so that you can remain updated? I don't want to forget about starting on the 1st. :)