cbev100 Member


  • I didn't really exercise except walking to my part time job (which is about a 15 minute walk and I worked twice this past week). Tonight I started the Firm Express, it was 20 minutes and I really liked it; and of course my yoga class tomorrow night. My goal this week is to do the other two Express DVD's for the week.
  • My goal is to drink more water, be consistent on logging my food, and to find a form of excercise that I enjoy so that I will keep up with it.
  • You had me at Margarita!
  • I agree with the drinking of water - I've always heard that, but I don't like water. Any suggestions? I've tried adding the flavors to the water, but get bored with that real quick :)
  • Hi Ladies! And thank you Lucy for putting this together! I've tried many many "diets", life changing programs, even people bribing me to lose weight but no of them worked because I never really wanted to lose weight, but when I saw this challenge I thought "how fun!" I've never thought of myself as 'large' until I seemed…
  • I have two: "I'm tired of hiding the me I am behind the me I'm not." It's been too easy use the weight as an excuse to not try the things that I want to do because I'm afraid I might fail. "If I don't truely love myself, how can someone else truely love me." Got to start taking care of myself first!