

  • I need help too. ugh. this is the first day counting and i didnt eat breakfast which im horrible at. ive never ate then lunch i ate a small bowl of my grandmas homemade soup with some crackers and then just got done making dinner which was a omlet w/3 egg whites and veggies in it. ive barley ate 600 calories…
  • i want to say it probably is normal (not sure about not being able to feel your legs) but im on day 5 and my body feels great. the first day sucked and i didnt want to do it ever again lol ive never worked out a day in my i had no idea what to expect. the 2nd i was sooooo sore mostly in my thighs, i couldnt…
  • about to do my day 5 ( i didnt do it yesterday) and i felt horrible about it, but what can i do. i think i will do it twice today since i feel like its not enough alone. what other work outs do you guys do? i did try to take pics the other day, but i doubt i will ever post them haha!
  • i just joined this site like 5 min ago so i have no clue how it works, but today was day 3 for me so i would do it with you guys. ive never really worked out a day in my life and would like to loose about 40lbs if not more. i was so sore this morning, but after i did the video i felt better and now i am looking forward to…
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