

  • I had to switch to a GF/Dairy free diet back in December because I have been having digestive issues for 3 years and I can't tell you how much better I feel. My cravings are gone, I only eat when I'm hungry and my energy and focus have returned. Getting rid of the Gluten is really a small sacrifice once you start feeling…
  • A couple of Scotch and Waters shouldn't make that much of a difference unless you're getting $#!Tfaced every night. It certainly wouldn't hurt to cut that back anyways, but you need to exercise to lose weight along with a diet. And if you are 230lbs you need more than 1400 cal/day. Not sure about your age or height, but if…
  • God gives us the free will to either choose the right path or the wrong path. My family and I said the 54 day Novena to the BVM but the election didn't turn out as we had prayed it would. That doesn't mean that God didn't hear our prayers, it just means that he's going to let man decide his fate. I believe that God has…
  • Are you trying to gain size? Or just maintain? Flies are great for developing separation in the Pecs, but they aren't a very good choice for gaining size. Use a weight that will give you a good burn in the inner pecs at reps 8-12. Generally, that's not a very heavy weight. Also, don't take a long rest in-between sets for…
  • I started doing weighted Pullups a few years ago because I work out at home and have no access to lat pull down machines and the like. Weighted Pullups are fantastic. Much better than Lat Pulls for development of a wide back, and you can use a closer parallel grip for thickness. Also, hang from the bar with light weights…
  • The ONLY way to lose weight is to have a calorie deficit at the end of the day. No matter what diet you do, it's the calorie deficit that ultimately determines your weight loss. Last year I read about a Professor in Utah that sought to prove that premise by going on a diet of nothing but candy bars. He watched his calorie…
  • I remember noticing a change in my metabolism back when I turned 30. I stopped working out for a while and got complacent and all of a sudden I was turning 39 and in the worst shape of my life. I made a commitment to myself that by age 40 I would be in the best shape of my life. I trained hard and ate well and I…
  • Good luck on your fitness journey. I live in the Richmond, VA area and glad to see all of the folks on here trying to keep themselves healthy. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Look online for a program called "Rapid Fat Loss" by Lyle McDonald. This is not a life maintenance solution by any stretch of the imagination but it could provide some structure to what you are trying to accomplish.
  • I think it all depends on your goals, fitness level, and diet. If you want to maintain or increase your LBM than too much cardio is detrimental. Also, traditional road running/jogging is very tough on your joints. Increasing LBM also has the added benefit of increasing metabolism. So I think that is why resistance training…