

  • Happy Friday!!! I’ll be on vacation the next week so probably won’t get to post. Hopefully, my husband (is that DH? Not sure of the abbreviations I see here) will be feeling all right and we can continue with our plans of being at the beach. I’m going to try VERY hard to eat right, but ice cream, Pier fries (at Old Orchard…
  • Happy Thursday, all. Thanks to those who commented on converting steps to calories - very helpful and much appreciated! I converted today's walk to calories and burned well over 200. Sylvia - love the joke and sent it to our IT guys! :laugh: On a previous post, you wrote about your cardiologist - I agree with others'…
  • Hello ladies. I love reading everyone's posts and I have to figure out how to reply/comment on so many of them! You all have so much advice and support and have so much going on in your lives. In short, my prayers are with all of you having struggles. May the Lord watch over and guide you. He is good - lean on Him. So…
  • Hello ladies. I've been absent for well over a year and need to get back on track. Life got in the way big time and I totally ignored myself and leaned on food when stressed, so I've gained back most of the weight I lost with MFP. Glad to see this message board is still as active and upbeat as it was. Things still very…
  • Looks good, Hannie, and not too time consuming. Thanks for sharing the recipe with us!
  • My husband does the shopping for us so it's always a surprise! Some good, some not so good. Unfortunately since he's retired and I work, he also cooks so he tends to buy a lot of packaged meals. :grumble: But I have gotten him to think healthier so I am able to eat less of the packaged stuff and supplement with veggies and…
  • Phew - I thought I lost you all! I love reading everyone’s successes, exercise tips and advice and cute, funny stories, and all the things going on in your lives. I love this place! Jane, I’m giving you a hug right now. You are such a warm, caring person; it’s sad that you have these challenges. You can always vent here;…
  • Happy Sunday, all. It’s amazing to see that this month’s posting is up to 19 pages! I’ve been reading everyone’s entries but haven’t gotten to comment. I’m glad all of the new people found this great group of ladies. They’re very welcoming, motivating and encouraging. Enjoy! Djhobs - I know how you feel about the car club…
  • Happy April, everyone! Goals for April: * Find SWSY! I just have to read it after everything all of you have said about it. * Cardio - at least 2 miles at least 5 days a week at a fast pace * add strength training 2 days a week * stretching 2 days a week * Finally get to 8 glasses of water a day * Cut down on the amount of…
  • Happy Saturday! I'm having the same problem as Jam0525. This is the 3rd time I've tried this so I'm keeping it short. You all have kept me so motivated that I lost 2 lbs at my first weigh-in! Thank you:flowerforyou: The only thing that will move on my body right now are my fingers! I just finished Jillian Michael's 30-day…
  • Good morning, Ladies - happy Wednesday! All of your posts are great and I look forward to reading them every day. I've never done much online and have never joined a discussion group, plus I'm not very tech-savvy, so this is all new to me, and I can't stop thinking about all of you. Knowing that you're there and we're all…
  • Great idea! I'm going to use that trick with my lo-cal,lo-fat French toast! Syrup is a must and I tend to drown everything on the plate with it. This will cut down on it a lot. Thanks
  • Hello ladies. Just joined MFP yesterday and really need some help. Hope this works, and I'm going to give it my all. As you all know, the older we get the harder it is to lose weight, but now I have medical challenges to add to it! I was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica, have been on prednisone for a year now and have…