

  • I am late but I am here my current weight is 225 my goal my thanksgiving is 140 Ya a big goal but i Have already lost 60 lbs in 3 months so its a challenge but I wanna try :) and succeed :) THANKS :) XOXO- Cheche530
  • Oh goodness! I have been there girl. I have started and failed to many diets it's not even funny. Lets work together. You hop back on the wagon and we will ride together through this. I know its hard. Don't hate yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! Remember FOOD=FUEL thats it. :)
  • Girly, I have been there! Be strong. Don't STRESS. It leads to weight gain. BREATHE :) and just make something close in the range worry more about nutritional value not calories. Remember FOOD=FUEL that is all it is. :) MUAH :)