

  • I've never done the WD, but want to. However, I did do a Super Spartan in Feb and am signed up for a Sprint and Beast in June. To me they are a FUN way to have an exercise goal. The distance isn't bad because you don't run it continuously and there is usually and 'out' if you can't do an obstacle. In the Spartan I did 30…
  • Get to a good running store and have them check your gait and shoes. Sounds like you are getting shin splints. These are icky and often times with proper shoes AND shorten your stride (you should feel a bit hobbled) they will go away. It is about turnover rate, not length of stride. Also, ice up your skins after to help…
  • As a person that is currently training for a half, has done them before, a full last year and also does obstacle races, let me tell you, interval training is what you need to help strength your recovery and endurance. DO NOT do it during your 'long runs' but the other runs, sprints with recovery work FABULOUS and help…
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