Kenasam Member


  • Hello. I'm not sure if I'm posting at the correct location in this thread, but here goes. According to your chart, Sunday (today) is a day to tell something about myself. I am female, 66, and have experienced the yo-yo effect all my life. Dieting, getting slim, looking good and feeling good, then reverting to poor eating…
  • I like the food ideas you listed. I'm not familiar with refrigerator oatmeal, but will look that up on the internet. I'm always in a bind when I go to teach at the college. As an adjunct, they do not give us any office space in the department where I teach and thus, there is no refrigerator. But if I plan properly, I…
  • Hello all, I teach in the music department at our local community college. I am adjunct and love everything that I do there. I've been teaching at the college for 34 years. I am retired from teaching music in public schools (30 years). So no, I am not 80 years old! There were many years that I taught both places…