My wish is to live healthy and be able to enjoy life with my spouse & family.
My goal is to be down to 170 lbs.
My current weight is 229.4 lbs.
My name is Stephanie. I live in Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada which is located about 4 hrs north of Edmonton, Alberta. I started My Fitness Pal back in the spring and have fallen off the wagon numerous times. I started with 240 lbs and have been able to keep off 9 lbs. Doing a weight-loss program without anyone is hard.…
232.3 lbs lost a total of 12.7 lbs
I am going on holidays starting on Aug 24, 2012. Going camping for a week. Probably do lots of walking since I won't be near a gym at all.
I always have my mango-raspberry smoothie. 1 cup Mango Melon Juice 1/2 cup frozen mangos 1/2 cup frozen raspberries 4 pkgs of sugar twin (used to take the bite out of the fruit) This is only about 200 calories when I enter them into the diary. Very tasty.
I weighed in this morning at 234 lbs. I have lost a total of 11 lbs to date but want to lose about another 50 lbs.:smile: