

  • I've been going to Aqua Zumba 3 times a week and I'm adding on 2 Zumba classes and a Yoga class starting next week. I'm also going to try to get in my Winsor Pilates 20 minute dvd 2-3 times a week. I've heard on the couch to 5k thing, I might have to look that up. Good luck everyone!
  • Absolutely! I have 15 pounds to go until I reach 100 pounds lost, I would absolutely love to have it all done by Christmas. This is a great idea, then we can motivate each other.
  • Hi- I also have PCOS and have found it very difficult to lose. The best way I have found to lose is to cut carbs and processed foods drastically. Even if I eat 1200 calories a day I won't lose unless it's 1200 calories of lean meats and veggies. I haven't mastered this yet but I figure the higher percentage of the time I…
    in PCOS Comment by stjforeman October 2012
  • Lol, Black Roast Beef
  • I always like to make a layered taco dip but made healthy. I use fat free refried beans that I season up with chili powder, you can also add ground turkey with taco seasoning, salsa, plain greek yogurt instead of sour cream, black olives, green onions and some guacamole. Just layer it all up, people go nuts over it. It's…
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