

  • I am currently on Day 23 and I love it. I have had some great results with my measurements and definetly getting stronger. I rocked my 2nd fit test. Very proud of myself. I have P90X as well but this is my favorite. I like the intensity.
  • Great Job!!! I am on Day 10 and co-worker commented today that she noticed a difference in my hips and thighs. I hope it just isnt wishful thinking. I take maesurements again on Sunday (Day15) so we will see . Keep pushing play. What has your diet been like.
  • My Coach through beachbody told me that MFP is showing NET calories (or the calories after working out). If you take the amount that the nutrition guide figured and subtract what you burn by working out, you should get close to the same amount that MFP is showing. She told me that Insanity is going to take a TON of fuel to…