

  • I love your attitude :) and you look great in the bikini.
  • You should have self esteem! You are so brave for posting the pic and you look good!
  • The best thing to do is eat tons of vegies/fruit, limit processed foods and drink water. If you do these things and stay active your body will get down to the healthy weight for you. Quick crash dieting never works in the long run because your body needs calories to be efficient. I hope you reach a point where you are…
  • I love your attitude :) I've been overweight my whole life (except for a brief period on Atkins) and I need this to be the last time I get rid of weight. Feel free to add me, I think we could motivate eachother, but I don't fit the 100 lb criteria...I could stand to lose that ammount, but I don't think I'll ever be model…