annaslater Member


  • Does anyone know the effects caffeine has on weight loss? I always thought that if it gave you the energy to get up and go that that it would be beneficial.
  • It's ZEVIA!!! I'm sorry!!! It is a Seattle based company so I am lucky. If you can, order it online. It is way worth it! Obviously, it is just there for something special that isn't water every once and a while. It is soooo much better for you than aspartame, but anything in excess is always bad for you! Even…
  • By doing it right I mean not starving myself and by keeping up with the workouts. I'm starting P90-X for the second time and can't wait to see the results!
  • Hey, I'm new here as of today thanks to my chiro in Seattle. Has anyone heard of Tevia the stevia sweetend soft drink? Cola, lemon lime, orange and rootbeer, all calorie free. I know we should only be drinking water, but at least it's not that dreadful aspartame! Plus they taste AWESOME!!!