ajl2 Member


  • My email is ajlauber2@gmail.com. Feel free to add me.
  • At this point I think you would be better off paying attention to inches lost rather than poundage. Muscle is heavier than fat, but it is also more compact than fat. If you can tell you are getting leaner and losing inches, I wouldn't worry so much about the scale not budging.
    in Goal Weight Comment by ajl2 October 2011
  • I do the same thing. I tried weighing weekly, but I found I was getting nowhere fast. When I switched to daily I felt more in control and I started losing. I'm down 19 pounds since April so far. :)
  • Is the A!C and ultrasound the only things your doc used to determine you have PCOS? It is important to note that just because it's called polycystic ovarian syndrome doesn't mean that all PCOSers have cysts in their ovaries. On the same note, not all women with cysts in their ovaries have PCOS. It is a poorly named…
  • I would try adding ankle weights and dumbbells. I bet that would help get your heart rate going.
    in Walking Comment by ajl2 August 2011
  • A pound a week is what is considered healthy weight loss....so yeah....losing 32 pounds in 16 weeks would not be a very healthy thing to do.
  • It looks like you haven't been eating back your exercise calories. If you are working out, your body needs the extra fuel. Don't be afraid of food, just make good food choices and stay away from simple carbs.
    in STARVING!!! Comment by ajl2 August 2011
  • oops! Double post.
  • I agree with the above posters. Stay away from processed foods, and eat back your exercise calories. It may sound counter-productive, but if you don't eat them back you will throw your body into starvation mode and your weight loss will come to a screeching halt.
  • I am on 1500mg of Metformin ER nightly. As long as I stay clear of fatty foods and simple carbs I don't have any tummy issues. Not all carbs are bad. It's the simple carbs you find in sugar and white flour you want to stay away from. As long as I stay away from those things and I keep taking my pills I keep losing weight.
  • AMEN!!!!! I'm not a short-order cook. And you shouldn't have to be either.
  • Two months ago I went to see and endocrinologist for chronic vitamin D deficiency. The doctor turned out to be very thorough and asked me tons of questions. I came out of that office with an official PCOS diagnosis and a script for 1500mg of Metformin daily. He also advised that I stay away from all sugar and white flour…
  • Your Basal Metabolic rate according to your current height and weight and age is 1124 calories per day. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to keep your body functioning, including breathing and keeping your heart beating. Your Basal Metabolic Rate does not include the calories you burn from normal daily…
  • exactly how short are you? You already weight an insanely low amount. how could it be healthy for you to weigh even less?
  • I would bet that you are unknowingly consuming gluten.
  • So what you're saying is that all the stuff I ate just sat there....not being digested or broken down. Nutrients weren't absorbed by my body and I didn't poop out the waste? How long do you think it takes stuff to digest? A pound of veggies is not the same as a pound of twinkies.
  • My last two pregnancies were twin ones. My older set is 5 and my younger set are almost 3. I know what you mean. I've got 5 kids total and when my second set of twins were born, my oldest child was 5. My kids became my life and everything I do revolves around them. Your own well-being takes the back burner especially as a…
  • My thoughts exactly. This person has obviously not been pregnant before. Otherwise she would know that every person is different. Some are lucky enough to be able to drop the pregnancy weight quicker than others. As for me, I have PCOS and I have to literally work my butt off to lose weight.
  • I weigh myself every morning like clockwork. I know MFP says to do it only weekly, but I'm finding that daily is much better. It helps me to know if my eating choices were good the previous day. When I was weighing in on a weekly basis sometimes the scale would register a GAIN and then it was really difficult to figure out…
  • You can buy Zumba for pretty much any game system now. I have it for the Wii and I highly recommend it.
    in Zumba question Comment by ajl2 June 2011
  • Go to the "tools" tab and click on "Weight loss tickers". Follow the instructions to configure your ticker and then copy and paste the ticker code to the "Signature" section which is located between "My Topics" and "Search" Does that make sense?
    in Wii Fit scale Comment by ajl2 June 2011
  • Great idea. I think I'll try to figure out how to hook my Wii up on the tv in my bedroom and do some Zumba tonight. :smile:
  • I bought Zumba for the Wii. I had never been to a class or seen what it's all about before. I've only done it once so far and it just about killed me LOL!
  • I've been on 1500mg of Metformin ER nightly for around six weeks now. I am also taking it for PCOS. The side effect haven't been unbearable as long as I stay away from sugar and greasy food. If I consume these things, I always end up regretting it the next day and I end up spending half the day in the bathroom. I'm happy…
  • Metformin has so far not helped me to ovulate though. It's been about 5 months since my last period. I've had a few days of spotting here and there, but nothing more.
  • I was never successful at losing weight until I started taking Metformin. I've been on 1500mg of metformen ER for about 6 weeks now and I have lost about 12 pounds so far with little effort except to cut down my sugar intake. I have noticed that my weight loss is starting to slow down a bit though. But as slow as it is…
  • If your boyfriend can't love you if you lose 20 more pounds than he really doesn't love you at all!! Don't let a man get in the way of your desire to lose weight and get healthy. It's your body, not his. He's supposed to love ALL of you, not just your curves.
  • I'm Amber, I'm in need of motivation also. I got married nine years ago this August. When I got married I was 126 pounds. I have 5 kids ages 8, 5, 5, 2, and 2. Yep, I've got two sets of twins! My pregnancies have taken a toll on my body. I went from 126 pounds with a BMI of 20 to 186 pounds and a BMI of 30 as of a few…
  • I agree! Get rid of them!!!
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