dynamiteglow Member


  • I take a jump rope with me on vacations and try to squeeze that in even if it's only a few minutes at a time. I also head out for a quick run early in the morning at least once or twice while there. If your lucky a family member may care to join you. I don't watch all my meals with the family so I can enjoy some with them…
  • Thanks for the input ! You all are awesome! I've tried the coconut water tends to swell me up a bit too much like Gatorade...I assume a little better but in the end with the same result. So I guess I'm off to Lara bars! Thanks a bunch! Alicia
  • Ok Homework: Watch Food Matters and Forks Over Knives. Then you will have some kind of an educated opinion which may help you make a decision. You can find them at the Library or on Netflix:-) Enjoy!