jmroberts35 Member


  • Well, I have gone from a low carb - High Fat diet to going with the plan. It could be the carbs, I may try going back to the lower carb route which works for me. Definitely trying the tea, thank you for the suggestion!
  • Thanks ddavies919. I was kind of thinking the same. So, one problem I am having is feeling bloated all the time. Does anyone else feel this starting this program? I wouldn't think it is from eating since I am under my calorie goals most days (really hard to get to the max). Wondering if it is just part of bulking. Jill
  • Hello! I have been doing Bulk BB for about 4 weeks now. Unfortunately I have only completed 1 full week, which was week 1. For week 2, I completed up to back & bi's and week 3 only the first 2 workouts. This week I will complete everyday, I have the motivation right now and I am going to use it to it's advantage. I…