

  • Wow, your story sounds strikingly familiar. I have an 11mo and almost 3 year old (nursed to 18mo), and the 11mo still nurses 8-10 times a day. I've needed to ask my husband regularly to keep junk food away from me, and even away from the house, or I'll find it and stress-eat. I have been trying to make small changes, and I…
  • It depends on what you like to do while exercising.... read? listen to music? watch television? And are you looking to burn fat, build muscle or both? I found ellipticals better for building some muscle while burning calories, but treadmills better for long-term gains of fat loss. Perhaps that's just me. For me, I like any…
  • Hi! I'm new too (both on the forum and to MFP). I'm at home with my second, who at 10 months is still a breastfeeding machine. Never took a pacifier or a bottle, but now has started on sippy cups. My first was the same way with bottles, but loved his pacifier (which he still is attached to at bedtime). She has started on…
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