

  • How are you? First off you were beautiful in the beginning but your amazing now with your weight loss! You look so happy now :) My name is Kristy. I am new to MyfitnessPal and I have tried everything and every type of diet. I am looking for some motivation on here and also to make friends on here. How did you achieve this…
  • Hi everyone! How are you? My name is Kristy. I am looking to lose at least 100 lbs. I am looking forward to being on this journey with all of you and making new friends. Anyone care to share any tips?? Kristy
  • Hi everyone! How is everyone doing? I am new to this group as well as MyFitnessPal! I am excited to be starthing this journey! I look forward to making new friends and attacking this weight once and for all. Anyone have any tips?? Kristy