rosepetal325 Member


  • Most of the time, but unfortunately that 1 meal could end up turning into an entire cheat day. Example, I ended up sleeping in late then was super busy with errands, etc the other day so the only meal I had gotten around to eating was dinner. My fiance & I had gone out for that.....and I ended up blowing my daily calorie…
  • I try not to, because then what was the reason for exercising?
  • I have 2 tattoos, but they're in places that are hidden when clothed. I did this because I worked in an office setting for a number of years & visible tattoos were a no-no. My coworkers knew & didn't care, it was just a corporate rule. Now I'm at a retail hardware store & it appears they're okay about the tattoos. I have…
  • I love to walk. Of course it's better/easier if I have a person, or my dog, with me. Would really like to try zumba, yoga, & bellydancing though. :)
  • Log what you can remember, and then you can learn from it. That's what I do at least. You have the right attitude about starting again the next day. One 'cheat' day every once in a while won't hurt...if anything it makes 'dieting' easier because then you don't feel like you're depriving yourself. Not long ago I went out to…