Soy is just as bad and it destroys Thyroid function. It is in nearly everything too.
Ok, I see what my sister means about people on this site...............There are too many Conventional Wisdom thinking people around here. I don't think I will be on this site for long as I will clash with people here. I can tell you what you are hearing in the media, from your doctors and from so called dieticians and…
Please research Soy that you are giving to your kids!!! Soy is not good for you at all............. Butter is all natural and saturated fats are not bad for you either!!! That is all lies and myths for the greater agenda the government and Big Pharma is selling and has been selling for years and years............ To the…
Hi. I am new to this site, but not nutrition wise............ Canola oil is not healthy. Ugg. Liquid oils are not good for you, except for olive oil.
I need this thread to stay at the top. My sister deleted her account this afternoon and she forgot to write down the address to send the book to you...................